§ 205-2. Direct access.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    The Board of Selectmen feels that it and certain department heads and officers of the Town frequently have legal problems and questions of such significance and urgency that their direct access to Town Counsel is required. Accordingly, the following individuals shall have the right to contact Town Counsel directly, in writing, if time and circumstances permit, with respect to significant legal questions involving their areas of responsibility:
    Members of the Board of Selectmen.
    Town Manager.
    Town Clerk.
    Superintendent of Schools.
    Chairman of the Board of Assessors.
    Town Engineer.
    Building Inspector.
    Town Moderator.
    In addition to the foregoing, the Board of Selectmen is of the belief that certain board and committee Chairmen should also have direct access to Town Counsel, in writing if time and circumstances permit, provided that such Chairmen, in contacting Town Counsel, are acting with authority of a majority of the board or committee of which they are Chairmen. The Chairmen of the following boards are entitled to such direct access:
    Zoning Board of Appeals.
    Planning Board.
    Conservation Commission.
    Finance Committee.
    Board of Health.
    School Committee.